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Eliminating Errors, Reducing Drug Interactions, and Improving Efficiency

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SpiriTrust Lutheran LIFE: Eliminating Errors, Reducing Drug Interactions, and Improving Efficiency

The Partner

SpiriTrust Lutheran LIFE (Living Independently For Elders), a member of the SpiriTrust Lutheran family of healthcare services, has locations in Chambersburg and Enola, PA. LIFE is a Medicare and Medicaid program known in many states as PACE (Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly). Both locations serve approximately 100 participants in three counties.

The Challenge

Before partnering with CareKinesis, SpiriTrust utilized multiple pharmacies. According to Medical Director Jorge Diduszyn, MD, FACP, fulfilling the pharmacy needs of two separate locations proved to be problematic. Staff encountered issues obtaining prescriptions after hours or on weekends. Additionally, staff found it challenging to manage medication lists with the prescription software system used, resulting in cluttered files and inaccurate records. The software also did not allow for electronic prescribing.

The Solution

From the start of the partnership in March 2018, Diduszyn was confident that CareKinesis not only had the experience and expertise to solve SpiriTrust’s challenges, but could tailor their pharmacy services to provide solutions for both locations. He was also excited that staff would be able to take advantage of the many benefits that using EireneRx, CareKinesis’ online pharmacy solution for prescriptions, would allow.

The Results

Four months after partnering with CareKinesis, Diduszyn reports immediate improvements. He states, “The drug interaction program is very good. The best interaction tool on the market.” He believes that EireneRx allows for increased operational efficiency. Medical records are now more accurate and organized, and errors have been virtually eliminated. Diduszyn also finds the ability to prescribe electronically convenient.

Diduszyn enjoys working with a dedicated team of CareKinesis pharmacists who are familiar with SpiriTrust prescribers’ preferences. He appreciates that EireneRx’s allows for immediate communication with the pharmacy, and reports that the medication recommendations provided by CareKinesis pharmacists are accurate and educational. “I cannot think of any recommendation that wasn’t important or didn’t make sense and I would highly recommend CareKinesis to other PACE organizations,” says Diduszyn. “CareKinesis is a definitely more superior option than a community pharmacy because it is customized for PACE and they are a phenomenal efficient company with excellent customer service.”


Both locations are receiving medications from CareKinesis quickly and accurately, with CareKinesis managing after hours and weekend prescriptions through a local pharmacy, when necessary. Diduszyn reports that EireneRx is user-friendly, streamlined, and effective in alerting staff to medication interactions.

In November 2023, Tabula Rasa HealthCare combined with ExactCare, and in July 2024, the combined company announced its new brand, AnewHealth. With the launch of the AnewHealth brand, the TRHC and CareVention HealthCare brand names are being retired. Their services are now part of AnewHealth’s comprehensive suite of solutions.